Services in the Czech Republic

Registered European lawyer in the country.

  • enrolled in the Czech Bar Association as a visiting European lawyer
  • place for service of documents:
  • Mgr. Tomáš Gurecký,
  • ul. Jozefa Skupy 1639/201
  • 781 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic

Headquarters of the law firm is on the street. Mierová č. 1725 in Čadca (in the building of the White House, located in the wider center of Čadca, 50m from Palárikova Street - the main street of Čadca).

Lawyer's office JUDr. Ladislav Ščury
 +421 41 43 277 09
JUDr. Ladislav Ščury registered in the Slovak Bar Association under no. 3853
IČO: 33916071 DIČ: 1021280689 IČ DPH: SK 1021280689